Sunday, December 21, 2008


My dance teacher always said that being an *educated* dancer is like know the *language* of leading and following so that you can *communicate* with another *educated* dancer nicely.

I went to check out a new social ballroom dance place last night (and hence missed my favorite movie on TV). When the music was on, it was quite a *shockingly* amazing scene: every single person in the room started their international routines, most of which looked not bad. They are *educated* dancers, of course. However, the problem is that they only did international-style ballroom dances while I love my American-style dances and have almost zero knowledge about international-style figures. As a result, I had to fake some *international-style-ish* steps for the whole night.

The whole situation reminded me of my dance teacher's words right away. I feel like someone who speaks American English accidentally bumped into Yorkshire in England through Doraemon's door and has to fake some funny British accent in order not to be singled out as *foreigners*.

Of course, British English is not easy to fake: e.g. I could hardly do a heel-turn, so I guess that I did get *recognized* as a *foreigner*. After all, I could still dance with them, not very gracefully though, which made me believe that we both speak the same language, with very different accents, though. LOL

P.S. Later that night, I learnt that around ONE THIRD of the people at the dance are dance tutors teaching somewhere.

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